Monday, February 5, 2018

Chakras, meditation and asana practice

- About Chakras -

The practice of Meditation and Asanas can stimulate specific body areas and energy centers, influencing the balance of the Nadis and Chakras.

However, in order to heal or "tune" your chakras it is important to meditate on each one of them, as well as the areas of life that are affected by a chakra (however I think of chakras more like energy centers that once unlocked can allow you to reach the ultimate reality and not as mere instruments to improve material life. There might be a connection with that but always at an energetic level - which can with no doubt influence material life).

It is in our own mind in fact that we have to find the energy and the connections related to a specific chakra and release a specific type of energy to heal or align that specific chakra.

The word chakra (devangari: चक्र, cakra) means wheel, circle or disk.
In spiritual terms chakra may mean circle, as the yantras or mandalas. These are symbolic diagrams representing divine energy.

In tantric yogic tradition, it refers to an energy center in the subtle body where divine energy resides in latent form. They are energy exchange points.
There are hundreds of these energy centers in the subtle body but the chakras on which we will focus are seven, located from the bottom of the spinal cord to the top of the head.
The image below shows an ancient map of nadis and chakra of the subtle body.

Releasing the energy blocks in each chakra from the lowest to the highest allows the pratictioner to release the energy of the Sushumna nadi, open the 1000 petals lotus flower chakra on the crown of the head and connect with the ultimate reality.

As written before, each chakra corresponds to a specific area of life and can be blocked by determined feelings. Let's check each one of them in details; please note the name of the chakras, and how they translate.
In addition to the basic relevant information about each chakra listed below, a list of asanas to add to your practice to balance the chakras, as well as some advice for your chakra meditation will be given in the next weeks.

Mooladhara - the Root Chakra

The word mooladhara means root center or root support. Its symbol is a deep red lotus flower with 4 petals with a yellow square and an inverted triangle in its middle, which is the resting place of the Kundalini energy.
Often a white elephant with seven trunks is represented within the lotus flower, representing stability.

The seed mantra to meditate on this chakra is LAM (लं la).

Each of the four petals has a sanscrit syllabe on it: वं va,
शं śaषं a, and सं sa
These syllabes are associated with dharma (duties), artha (meaning), kama (pleasure) and moksha (liberation) or with four vrittis: joy, pleasure, control, concentration.

This energy center is located in the space between the perineum and the lower point of the coccyx. Due to its location it is related to excretion (large bowel, ureters) and, in general, to the lower part of the body - legs, feet. It is also related to the sense of smell.
It is the center of personal security.
All this connect the Mooladhara Chakra to the element Earth.

This chakra is blocked by FEAR. By focusing on one's fears, realizing what they represent and that in truth, there's no real need to fear anything, Mooladhara chakra can be healed allowing the energy to flow towards the next chakra.

Swadhistana - the Sacral Chakra

The word swadhistana means one's own base or one's own abode. It is represented by an orange lotus flower or a white lotus flower with dark yellow petals with 6 petals, with a crescent moon and a point inside. It is connected with water, unconsciousness,  and the sense of taste.
The associated animal is a crocodile (often a mythical creature half-fish half-crocodile), representing lower karmic movements.
In oriental traditions there is a center in the brain where our past karmic experiences (Samskaras) are stored. This brain center is said to be in direct connection with Swadhishtana.

The seed mantra to meditate on this chakra is VAM (वं va)

Each of the six petals has a sanscrit syllabe on it: बं ban, भं bha, मं ma, यं ya, रं ra and लं la.
These syllabes are associated with affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
It is the center of emotions and pleasure.

This chakra is blocked by GUILT. Release all that make you feel guilty, all the things you blame yourself of. These things happen. It's the all-encompassing way of life. Forgive yourself so that the energy can flow to the next energy center.

Manipura - the Solar Plexus Chakra

The word Manipura means city of jewels. This chakra is symbolized by a bright yellow lotus flower with ten petals, at its center a red inverted triangle standing for the fire element, to which this chakra is associated. Other colours often associated are blue (Tantra) and red (Nath), often the petals are dark blue or black.

This chakra is located above the navel and is often associated to the pancreas and the adrenal glands in the physical body. Also digestion and metabolism, which take place at the location of this chakra, can represent the fire - as the power of transformation. It is also associated with sight.

The seed mantra  to meditate on Manipura chakra is RAM (  रं ra). Each of the petals has a sanscrit sillabe on it: a, ha, a, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, and pha, each representing 
spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness.

This energy center radiates prana throughout all the body. Meditating on Manipura can help us take consciousness of our pranic energy.
This chakra is blocked by SHAME. Release all your disappointments, accept who you are with all your mistakes to let the energy flow freely to the next chakra.

Anahata - the Heart Chakra

The word anahata means unbeaten or unstruck. It can also be translated as sound produced without touching two parts or the sound produced from one clapping hand. It is represented by a green lotus flower with twelve petals. Inside, two triangles intersect to form a shatkona (like in a Yantra), representing male and female energy.

It is located in the spine close to the heart. It is associated with  air, touch and hands in general. In hindu traditions, it is believed to be the seat of Jivatman and Parashakti (consciousness and energy of creation).

The seed mantra is YAM (
यं YA) and on each petal is a sanscrit syllabe: kamkhamgamghamngamchamchhamjamjhamnyamtam and tham representing the vrittis of lust, fraud, indecision, repetance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, competence, discrimination and defiance.

This chakra is blocked by  GRIEF. Release all your loss, all of your sadness; the love you received from your lost ones is still with you. Love sourrounds and permeates each one of us.
Let the energy flow to the next energy point.

Vishuddha- the Throat Chakra

The word vishuddha means especially pure.
It is represented by a twelve petals light blue or white with purple or smoked-colours petals lotus flower with a downward facing triangle and a white circle representing the full moon, a symbol for akasha or ether (the chakra's associated element). In occident we know it as the light blue chakra.

It is located in the throat (hence pharynx and larynx region) and is often associated with the thyroid gland as well. It is associated with the sense of hearing and the ability to speak and communicate. When it is balanced, negative experiences become wisdom. This chakra is a purification center.

The seed mantra is HAM (
हं ha) and on each petal we have a sanscrit syllabe:
each representing the Vittis of the mantra Ong [Aum], the Sama-mantras, the mantras Hung, Phat, Washat, Swadha, Swaha, and Namak, the nectar Amrita, and the seven musical tones.

This chakra deals with truth and is bloked by LIES, especially the ones we tell ourselves. Release your denial, you cannot lie about your true nature. Accept who you are and flow to the next chakra.

Ajna - the Third Eye Chakra

The word ajna means to command or to perceive.
This chakra is represented by an indigo or white lotus flower with two petals (representing ida and pingala nadi, which meet the central shushumna nadi before rising to the crown chakra). Inside the lotus flower is a downward facing triangle. 

This chakra is located in the brain, it is connected with the pineal gland. It represents the subconscious mind and our intuition. It is said that those who are able to balance this chakra can see the past, present and future. The superficial location is between the eyebrows.

The seed mantra is OM (, Au or O)
The letter "ham" (हं) is written in white on the left petal and represents Shiva (consciuosness), while the letter "ksham" (क्षं) is written in white on the right petal and represents Shakti (energy).

This chakra is blocked by ILLUSION. The greatest illusion in this world is separation; what we think is separate and different is actually one and the same. All things are connected is connected and there is life everywhere.

Sahasrara - the Crown Chakra

Sahasrara means thousand-petaled. It is represented by a lotus flower with 1000 petals of different colours arranged in 20 layers. Often it is depicted in light violet colour, representing spirituality. It is golden inside and a circular region (the moon) is inscribed inside a golden luminous triangle which can be upwarding or downwarding.

It is related to pure consciousness and connection with the higher self and the ultimate reality.

No mantra is associated with this chakra, as it deals with the world of peace and silence. It is said that when a yogi opens this chakra, he/she acquires the gift of omniscience and divine abilities.

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