Friday, March 23, 2018

The danger of flattery - a moment of mindful relax

From Vedanta through stories
Chapter I Self Analysis, Section I Ways of the World

15. The danger of flattery

A teacher while instructing his students, was describing the evil effects of flattery. He said, "Have you not seen a kind of fish which you can puff up by blowing into its mouth? The more it is blown into, the more it swells, till a time comes when it bursts and dies.
Once upon a time a king was invaded by his enemy. The matter was discussed for hours by his cabinet. Unfortunately, he had a number of flatterers in his cabinet who assured him that nothing could happen to him as he was a very mighty king. The king felt so much flattered that he took no action or precaution, with the result that the enemy invaded his kingdom and having conquered it put him to an ignominous death."

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